April has passed, so what has happened inside the Hungarian underground? Our recommendations for now: Mayberian Sanskülotts, DRMRZ, Jafari & Nemazalány × Lil G.
A long, detailed review is too boring? Or you just don’t have time for reading but you wanna know who to listen to? Do you wanna meet newcomers from Hungary? You are in the right place. Our series, What’s the Story, Hungarian Underground? recommends new materials monthly. So you can familiarise yourself with some fresh, catchy music. This time we present 4 fresh pieces of stuff – Mayberian Sanskülotts, DRMRZ (again), Jafari (again) and Nemazalány × Lil G from April 2018.
Mayberian Sanskülotts: Palms / Unreal
My personal favourite of the month is definitely Mayberian Sanskülotts. They released a new EP after more than 18 months. Palms and Unreal are two cool songs, more sophisticated than the previous ones. Comparing these songs their earlier records you can feel the development. They started as a lo-fi chamber pop duo, and now they arrived in a radio-friendly zone. This time they wrote English lyrics surprisingly, but they are just as good as their Hungarian ones before. It has a very good sound quality, and they made a new music video for Unreal. It is definitely something unreal, I can tell you that much.
If you wanna check’em LIVE, you can do it on the 3rd of May at Toldi or the next day, on the 4th of May in Budaörs Fesztivál at PostART. It’s highly recommended. Before that here is the whole EP, you must listen to it 😉
DRMRZ: Marmalade Skyz
Kristóf Dobos’ introductory album, ‘Symbol Syndrome’ is a missing link with an atmosphere, which was missing for long. It’s gonna be a major one this year, I have to say. We’ve been waiting for materials like this for so long, cause if we wanna listen to super intimate kinda tones, most of the time we must resort to foreign performers like Jack White or PJ Harvey. Now we have DRMRZ. And he’s on fire! Only after 3 weeks (!!!) of releasing his latest work, he created a new EP with 2 songs. This is ‘Marmalade Skyz’ and has the same tone as his first work. And it’s not the end, I mean, the rollercoaster is on the move. He is quicker than Beatles 😀 I may announce that his new LP will be premiered on the 11th of May. So, don’t miss it and before that, enjoy his latest material.
[If you wanna check out our article about Kristóf’s debut, CLICK HERE!]
Jafari: F@#k The Radio
I wrote about him earlier as well. Kristóf Zala has the way like DRMRZ, he’s releasing one song to another in a row in the past few months. He has a unique sound with a massive bass and a bunch of R’n’B kinda characteristic which is quite rare and he adds a unique touch to it as well. He published a very tough song with a very harsh lyrics. F@#k The Radio is a hard criticism of the inhuman and meaningless lifestyle of our days. I highly recommend listening to him LIVE. You can do it on the 19th of May, he will play at Club25 in Budapest 😉
Nemazalány × Lil G: Malibu
I couldn’t skip them, even if they are not in the same league as we define underground. But Nemazalány and Lil G did something that newcomers just dreaming of: hit the MILLION$$$$ click on YouTube. And more. Their first single, ‘Petőfi Sándor’ (he is one of the most famous poets in Hungary) – released only a month ago – is reaching almost 5,5 million (!!!), and the latest hit, ‘Malibu’ is also at almost about 1,5 million. And that’s really something. I have to say, the girls are dead on addressing the post-Snapchat generation. The lyrics are Hungarian, and not so sophisticated – but they could hit the target. I must realize that this is the world right now, in 2018. And I’m getting too old for this, haha! So, I cannot say anything just HOLYCOW!
So, that’s all for now. See you at the end of May next time ?
EDITED by Károly Gergely
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