They don’t care about trends and formats. This is their spirit. The heavily guitar-based band, The Royal Freak Out released their latest album recently. Review.
The longer the worse
It was the favourite phrase of my best and finest teachers. Emil Niederhauser was one of the most brilliant Hungarian historians of Eastern European history. As the member of his last class, I heard his brief aphorism from the start of every semester. It means: if a (wannabe) historian cannot summerise a matter in 5 mins, it won’t be a good lecture, won’t be time to discuss it. And most importantly: if you would like to become a decent scientist, you must be able to summarise everything in 5 mins.:D We learned our lesson.
Well, The Royal Freak Out seems to be a rebel student. They cannot summarise, almost every song of the band is longer than 5 mins, sometimes they reach 8 mins. But that’s not a problem. I mean I like that they play what they want to and perform without any negotiation. It’s a merit nowadays, I guess so. The band now released its latest LP, and ‘A Step Beyond the Fading Line‘ is following the same path with some modifications. You can find some tracks with radio-friendly length, but most of it is over 5 mins. So the (now) trio is really going for the long shots, they can express themselves through spinny riffs for sure. But if you like 13mins’ Pink Floyd hits – and ’80s-’90s kinda (new wave) guitar music, you won’t be surprised. And the funny part is that the longer ones are actually better, especially ‘New Transmission‘, ‘Walrus Factory‘ or the bit grunge-ballad wise ‘Times‘. You can check the whole album HERE ➡️
The Royal Freak Out – Intro (official audio)
The Royal Freak Out’s Intro form the new album A Step Beyond the Fading Line (2018.) Get the official album here:…
They also made a music video which was the warm-up piece of the LP. ‘Miss Misery‘ introduction shows some funny similarity with the 20yrs old Cardigans’ ‘My Favourite Game’, but build on a different ambiance 😀 It’s a road movie with lots of sultriness.
The Royal Freak Out – Miss Misery (official video)
The Royal Freak Out’s Miss Misery form the new album A Step Beyond the Fading Line (2018.) Get the official album here: Album release gig: 19.10. 2018. @ Robot: Follow The Royal Freak Out: w: fb: ins: Video By PUR E Director: Ákos Gőbel D.O.P.
If you wanna check the band out, you can listen to them LIVE on 19th of October at Robot, Budapest. So, save the date, see you there 😉
A Tour Beyond the Fading Line // vendég: River of Lust
EDITED by Károly Gergely
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